Support MLS

Mt. Lou San is a non-profit organization that depends on the love gifts and regular donations of concerned individuals, churches and businesses. We are so thankful for those who are financially committed to our cause.

We are grateful for every donor who chooses to partner with us. In order to assist you in the giving process, we have designed several ways for you to participate. You may donate online, by mail or by phone with a credit card.

There are other ways you can invest in the mission of Mt. Lou San Bible Camp including giving by mail, giving by phone, non-cash gifts, planned giving or by donating to an item on our wish list.

For more information on giving, visit our Receipts and Rules section, or the FAQs.

You can also give in honor to or memory of an individual.

NOTE: Mt. Lou San is not a professional financial planning service. All information presented is in no way presented as federal, state, etc. tax code. Please ask your financial consultant or CPA for advice on how you can give in a way that best meets your tax and or giving needs.